Donate – Help villagers earn their way out of poverty. Chocolate for Positive Change!
A. Training
Program to Advance Chocolate-Making Leadership in Cote d’Ivoire ~~ $38,000
- Two site visits by PHF CEO Tom Neuhaus and
support staff are needed to guide the scaling up of production of
high-quality chocolate, including training, trouble shooting, and product
development. ($20,000)
- PHF needs 12 months of working capital in
support for local leaders until the village chocolate program achieves
profitability. ($18,000)
B. Boosting Sales
of Village Chocolate ~~ $26,000
- For successful increase in sales, greater
levels of inventory need to be maintained. Storage facilities,
refrigeration, power, sanitation, and equipment and its maintenance are
all required. ($20,000)
Donate Now
The Annual Fund
Mission: The Annual Fund directly supports equipment purchase and repair, marketing, training, product development, and operations in the three cocoa farming and chocolate production villages.
A recurring giving program can make your gift easy, convenient, and affordable. Your support provides a predictable stream of revenue in support of the PH&F mission and work while allowing you to pace your philanthropy throughout the year. You can opt for your donation to process monthly.
$5000, $1000, $500, or $____, Your option for one time, monthly or annually